When you visit a website or open an app, what’s the first thing you feel? It's more than just the design that hits you - it's the overall vibe, the sense of…
Why Lego bricks in the first place? When first I was given a bag of Lego bricks, I was excited and nervous at the same time. Partly because I somehow thought my…
Designing the best communication tool Since we work with a ton of information and ideas, sometimes things can get a bit complex. Surely a simple note or Excel sheet can help us organize…
Lean and Agile UX – A quick overview Lean and Agile. Today many people and companies are using these terms interchangeably. Before they turn into another buzzwords, what precisely do these new…
Restaurant digital marketing trends Toad in the hole, spotted dick, stargazey pie – English cuisine has always been labelled as old-fashioned and bland, only attracting curious tourists. But the British Food Renaissance…
What’s experience design about? When planning a trip, choosing a nice and cozy place to stay is almost as equally important as choosing which country to visit. There is a good reason…
Is UX killing creativity? UX design is one of the hottest IT jobs today. In the United States alone, there were around 150,000 UX-related jobs by the end of 2013 (Unicorn Institute).…
Personally, my favourite part of going on holidays is the planning stage, and imagining the adventure that lies ahead. Just planning it makes me feel excited like a little kid on Christmas Eve.…